I’m a university professor, speaker, writer and motorcyclist.

Talk to me: Facebook | Mastodon | Twitter

I do have another online home (or two or three). For personal stuff, go to Life, a blog. For portfolio, resume/vita etc, visit kegill.com.

Brief bio:

A Georgia native, I migrated to the mid-Atlantic after graduate school and then jumped across the country, checkers-style, when Washington beckoned the second time.

After a traditional communications career in the natural resources sector, I discovered the Internet pre-Mosaic and have been online since the early 1990s. In 1995, I built and ran one of the first political candidate websites in Washington state. I taught web design before HTML 3.2 was a recommendation. And I rode the dot-com boom as a communication consultant who could speak web, until the crash.

I’ve been a contractor (writer, geek, trainer) at almost all the Puget Sound majors.

Through consulting, teaching, writing and conference presentations I share what I’ve learned in the hope that my experiences can shorten someone else’s learning curve.

Medium member since March 2017
Connect with Kathy E Gill
Kathy E Gill

Kathy E Gill

Digital media educator, writer, speaker; sometimes public policy journalist; transplanted Southerner; teach newbies to ride motorcycles. #rabblerouser #pushy